Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Make Money With Blogger

I have had various blogger blogs for several years. I always took them for granted and just ignored them. I did not thing that anyone actually found them or read them.

This summer I did a cool experiment. I had read that blogger blogs could have adsense ads enabled on them and be used to make money online. Of course I had my doubts. Not that I do not believe that you can make money online, I do so every month. I just did not think of Blogger blogs as a good source to be able to do so.

Crazy as it was, I posted up 4 quick blogs. All a simple single page, only 1 post to get them started. I then enabled my adsense account on each one so that they would display somewhat relevant content advertising to anyone who happened to come across the blogs.

Amazingly, I discovered that the 4 little blogs were getting about 3 to 5 visits a day. Somedays as many as 10 or more visitors. This might not sound impressive, but this traffic was without doing any promotion or seo on the blogs. Total time for me to start the 4 blogs and to make a simgle keyword loaded post was about 10 minutes each at the max.

With the advertising on the site, if anyone clicks on the ads then Google makes money from the paid advertisers. They in turn share that ad revenue with me since it is my blog. How much money can you make? Well amazingly as I logged into my blogger account I was shocked to have discovered that there was 80 bucks sitting there. Each of the 4 blogs generated roughly 10 bucks each, per month.

Not really astonishing, its not a million bucks, or enough to quit anyones dayjob, but think about it for a second. Less than an hours work, made 4 simple blogs, now I theoretically will make $40 a month for every coming month. Imagine if I added another blog each day, something that would only take 10 to 15 minutes a day. After 365 days I would have 365 blogs up, which if they did as well as my first 4 blogs would be generating $3650 per month, again with no promotion or advertising.

Now that is enough to quit your dayjob and make a living online isnt it?

I am going to encourage a few of my friends to give this a try, I want them to be able to quit their jobs, I want them to make money online like I do. I will post links on this page that will help to point you in the right direction, but if you are so inclined, I am completely convinced that you can make money online and that you can generate more money blogging a few hours a day than you can working at your day job. I challenge you to follow my links and give it a try.

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